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It is the intent of Toastmasters International that membership in a Toastmasters Club shall satisfy individual members' desire for self-improvement while furthering their opportunity for community service in a framework of high ethical standards. Thus, all programs, activities, publications, speeches and conduct of Toastmasters Clubs and their individual members shall be represented in a highly ethical manner, focusing on a standard of excellence which will reflect credit to the organization. 

Maintaining high ethical standards in any form of communication or actions by any and all individual members of a Club is the responsibility of the respective Clubs. If at any time the actions of any individual member or Club are in conflict with the basic principles, ideals or standards of Toastmasters International, the Club may be subject to suspension or expulsion by Toastmasters International and/or the individual member may be subject to suspension or removal from good standing, or other appropriate action. 

Individual members of Clubs shall not use any form of communication in a derogatory or personally damaging way, nor conduct or condone any programs, activities, publications, speeches and conduct which are offensive or in poor taste or otherwise considered detrimental to the best interests of Toastmasters International. For a clarification of policy regarding one form of offensive conduct - harassment, including sexual harassment - see Policy Bulletin No. G 49. In addition, no such person or entity shall publish or distribute any newsletter or other publication which contains defamatory remarks, malicious and derogatory charges, or false or libelous statements. 

Activities in support of candidacy for International or District Office shall be conducted in a responsible manner consistent with the importance and dignity of the office. A candidate shall take the initiative in keeping the activities of supporters within the established guidelines. In addition, material soliciting support of, or offering candidates for, International or District Office shall be in good taste both as to content and appearance. Individual members shall, at all times, observe the regulations of the hotels acting as hosts at conventions and conferences and shall not display materials in any fashion that would bring discredit to the organization. 

In addition, no individual member, Club, District or other group shall engage in any activity or campaign by use of threats, restrictions, intimidations, "deals," pressures, or other unethical means which would or might prevent or dissuade any individual member from competing in any nomination or election process at any level or from exercising his or her voting franchise in any particular manner. No person or entity shall use any such method to attempt to dictate to any District Officer, or District Council, or member Club in any respect or to any degree. 

No Toastmaster shall assist, support, aid, facilitate, invite, or condone any conduct by any former Toastmaster, or any other non-Toastmaster, which has the purpose or effect of interfering in the programs, proceedings, or affairs of Toastmasters International or its member Clubs. For example, former Toastmasters who appear at a Toastmasters event and who attempt to exercise undue influence on the proceedings shall not be aided or supported by any Toastmaster. On the other hand, nonToastmaster spouses of Toastmasters are welcome to accompany their spouses at Toastmasters; functions where spouse participation is customary and appropriate. 

Violation of any of the above principles concerning prohibited activities by an individual member of any Club, or by any Club, will subject: 
a) the offending Club to suspension or expulsion in accordance with Article III, Section 4, of the bylaws of Toastmasters International, unless the club expels the offending individual member and/or removes the person from any Club office held or ends the Club's own violations;  and/or
b)  the individual member to suspension or removal from good standing or other appropriate action, in accordance with Article III, Section 8, of the Bylaws of Toastmasters International.  If the person is a District Officer, he/she may be subject to removal from office under Article VII, paragraph (g), of the District Administrative Bylaws of Toastmasters International.  Likewise, International Officers and Directors are subject to removal under the bylaws of Toastmasters International

This Policy Bulletin shall be made known to all Toastmasters Clubs, District administrations, and to candidates for International and District Offices.

Source: http://www.toastmasters.org/pdfs/ethics.pdf