District Theme: DARE
TO EXCEL - to bring out the best, do our best and be the best
District 51 Focus:-
Every Member Recruits a New Member
Every Member a CTM
Every Club a Distinguished Club
Every Area a New Club
Every Club submitting the Semi Annual dues on time
Every Club and District Officers Trained
JUNE 2002
Focus of the month: Submit Club officers list to WHQ
Submit club officers list to WHQ by June 30th 2002, 5pm Pacific time
Incoming Division and Area Governors to help
June to August, 2002 - Round One Club Officers
JULY, 2002
Focus of the month: Membership Recruitment, building new clubs and
Distinguished District, Division, Area and Club programs begins
Division and Area Council meetings to plan for the term
Club officers training in all Divisions
Area Governor clubs visits to offer assistance - Round One
Preparation for the Smedley Membership campaign
Excel in membership recruitment and build new clubs
Excel in educational accomplishment
July - August: Club level Evaluation and Humorous
Speech contests
July - September: Recruit as many new members
and charter as many new clubs as possible
July to October: Excel with Speechcraft
July to October : Clubs achieving 4 CTM and
2 ATM shall receive a special District award
July 2002 to June, 2003 Governor's Award to
be presented to members who have recruited 3 new members.
AUGUST, 2002
Focus of the month: Smedley Membership Campaign and build one new club
in your area.
Excel in Smedley membership campaign - recruit 5 new members
Build new clubs
Excel in CTM
August 10th, 2002 - District Directory ready for distribution
August 21st to 24th, 2002 -71st Toastmasters International Convention -
San Antonio, USA
August 31st, 2002 - Training of District Officers and Club officers to
be completed
August 15th, 2002 - Publication of the First Issue
of EXCEL 51
August - September - Area level Evaluation
and Humorous Speech Contests
Focus of the month: Smedley Membership Campaign , build new clubs and
send semi annual dues.
Semiannual membership report forms are mailed to club Presidents (Collect
dues early)
Win the Smedley membership award for the club - to qualify recruit 5 new
Excel in Smedley membership campaign and continue to build new clubs
Excel in CTM
September 20th, 2002 - Send October semi annual dues
September 30th , 2002 - Area Governor completes Round One Club Visits
September 30th, 2002 - Submit Round One Club officers Training Report form
to WHQ
September - October, 2002 Division level Evaluation and Humorous Speech
Contests (Must be completed by October 15th, 2002)
Submit October, 2002 semi annual dues on time
Focus of the month: Final dash for the October semi annual dues
Excel in ATM and CTM
Excel in membership recruitment and build new clubs
Excel in membership recruitment and continue to build new clubs
Excel in educational accomplishment
October 1st, 2002 - Completed semiannual membership reports and dues to
reach World Headquarters by 5pm Pacific time
October 22nd 2002 - Toastmasters International Day
Round One Area Governor Club Visits report forms to reach District Governor
by October 30th, 2002
Focus of the month: Semi annual convention in Singapore.
Excel in membership recruitment and continue to build new clubs
Excel in educational accomplishment
November 22nd to 24th District 51 Semi Annual Convention in Singapore District
exco and Council meeting
Special awards for clubs achieving 4CTMs and 2
ATMs by October 30th, 2002
November 15th, 2002: Publication of the 2nd
Issue of EXCEL 51
Focus of the month: Review Club performance and Round Two club officers
Excel in membership recruitment and continue to build new clubs
Excel in educational accomplishment
Review of club performance
December, 2002 to February, 2003 - Round Two Club
Officers Training and review of club progress
Focus of the month: One more CTM, One more ATM, One more New club and
Four more new Members
Plan for the next 6 months
Area Governor clubs visits to offer assistance - Round Two
Excel in CTM
Excel in membership recruitment and continue to build new clubs
Prepare for the Talk Up Toastmasters campaign
January - February, 2002 - Club level - Table
Topics and International Speech Contests
Focus of the month: Talk Up Toastmasters
Talk Up Toastmasters membership campaign begins - recruit another 5 new
Excel in CTM
Excel in membership recruitment and build new clubs
February 15, 2003 - Publication of 3rd Issue of
Excel 51
February - March, 2003 - Area Speech Contests
- Table Topics and International Speech Contests
MARCH, 2003
Focus of the month: Toastmasters Awareness Month, April Semi annual
Semi annual membership report forms are mailed to Club Presidents
Talk Up Toastmasters Campaign
Proxy certificates are mailed to Club Presidents for voting at Annual Business
Meeting held during the International convention
Toastmasters Awareness month
Excel in membership recruitment and continue to build new clubs
Excel in ATM
March 20th, 2003 - Sent semi annual dues to WHQ
March 31st, 2003 -Area Governor Club visits to be completed
March 31st, 2003 - deadline to submit Round Two Club officers report form
to WHQ by 5pm Pacific time
March - April, 2003 - Division level Table Topics
and International Speech contests ( To be completed by April 15th, 2003
Submit April, 2003 semi annual dues on time
APRIL, 2003
Focus of the month: Payment of Semi Annual Dues - Final Dash…..
April 1st, 2003 - completed semiannual membership reports and dues to reach
World Headquarters by 5pm Pacific Time
April 30th, 2003 - entries for the Top 10 Newsletter Awards contest to
reach District Governor by 5pm Malaysia Time
April 30th, 2003 - Area Governor Election deadline
April 30th, 2003 - Submit Division Toastmasters of the year to District
April 30th, 2002 - deadline for Area Governors to submit Round Two Club
Visits form
April 30th, 2003 - Excellence series award deadline
Excel in CTM/ATM
Excel in membership recruitment and continue to build new clubs
Prepare for the Beat the Clock membership campaign
MAY, 2003
Focus of the month: 10th PANSEA Annual Convention and Beat the Clock
May 16 - 18, 2003 - 10th PANSEA Annual convention to be held in Miri, Malaysia
Special excellence series awards to members and clubs
Excel in membership recruitment and continue to build new clubs
Excel in CTM/ATM
May 15th, 2003 - Publication of the 4th Issue
of EXCEL 51
May - June, 2003 - Beat the Clock Membership
JUNE, 2003
Focus of the month - Beat The Clock Membership Campaign
Excel in membership recruitment and continue to build new clubs
Excel in educational accomplishment
June 30th, 2003 - final deadline for Distinguished Club Program
June 30th, 2003 - deadline to submit club officers list to WHQ by 5pm Pacific
June 30th, 2002 - celebration for success of all the clubs, areas and divisions