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Speechcraft is a program designed to teach non-members public speaking skills. Experienced members of your club present the fundamentals of public speaking in the atmosphere of a Toastmasters Club meeting during four, six or eight sessions. Speechcraft brings prsopective new members into your club to see, first hand, what Toastmasters is all about. It is great way to promote your club in your community or company.

Speechcraft has several benefits. Participants become a part of your club meeting. They become to know and enjoy the Club's fellowship while gaining confidence and training in their communication skills. many of our members indicate they joined their club because they participated in a speechcraft program. Clubs that conduct a speechcraft program at least once each year have new membership problems.

Speechcraft also benefits the members of your club. The program gives club members new opportunities to exercise their communication and leadership abilities. The program also enhances club programming, which in turn increases interest and attendance among all members.

Speechcraft can be presented as a integral part of your club meeting or as a seminar style program presented outside of the club, at a different location and time.

Presenting the program inside of the club has an advantage: it provides participants with a sample of the Toastmasters Club experience, making it easier for participants to become members at the conclusion of the program. The Speechcraft program need not disturb the usual club programming. Instead, a portion of each meeting is devoted to Speechcraft, It is suggested an extra 30 minutes be added to the club meeting. Trimming the business portion of the meeting can also yield extra time for speechcraft.

Conducting the program outside the club has advantages, too. More participants can be accommodated because more time is available. You can conduct the program for a particular group, civic club, or company at the group's location. Also, a Speechcraft program outside the Club often leads to the formation of a new Toastmasters Club 

Order the speechcraft materials from World Headquarters. Catalog 205.
District 51 will provide 5 copies of the participants handbook free to every co-ordinators for the speechcraft program. 

If speechcraft is presented within the club, the recommended number of participants is 5 to 10. For programs presented outside the club, the number of participants can be more.

Speechcraft participants are prospective new members for your club. They will join your club if they are impressed by the club and can see the benefits they will receive from their experience. Impress participants and help them benefit by conducting the best program possible. Make them feel welcome. Finally, before the last session, invite the participants to join the club. You may be able to combine speechcraft graduation with a new member induction ceremony ! 


Inside the Club

  • Opening and introduction
  • Business meeting
  • Table Topice

Tea Break

  • Toastmasters speakers and evaluators
  • Speechcrafters'instructional program
  • Speechcrafters'speeches and evaluations
  • Counsel of speechcrafters for next session
  • Announcements and adjournment
Outside of the Club
  • Opening
  • Table Topics
  • Speechcrafters' instructional program


  • Speechcrafters speeches and evaluations
  • Announcement

Please send me more information concerning Speechraft

Email Address: 


Club Name:  Division: 


City:   State/Province:   Postal Code: 


Telephone Number: 

Program would be:  community program  in house program

Date to Organise:  Venue: 

Completion Date: 
